Application of Generalized Correlation Time Delay Estimation in Pipeline's Leakage Detection 广义相关时延估计在管道泄漏检测中的应用
The features of reversible and irreversible process under mechanical turbulence are described using time correlation function and correlation time of statistical thermodynamics. 该方法根据待分析的瞬时相关函数中自项分量及交叉项分量相位的不同特点,采用相位匹配的方法估计各信号分量的瞬时频率。
Intensity Correlation Time of the Single-Mode Laser with the Noise Cross-Correlation Intensity Modulated by Time Period 噪声交叉关联程度受时间周期调制下单模激光的光强关联时间
Design of passive acoustic localization system based on cross correlation time delay estimating algorithm 基于互相关时延估计算法的被动声定位系统设计
Statistically, laser propagation along an atmospheric path is uncorrelated with an earlier-time path for a time interval greater than the atmospheric turbulence correlation time. 本文提出采用时间分集技术减轻大气湍流的影响。时间分集系统是根据大气传输的时间相干特性来改善接收效果。
Light intensity correlation time varying with colored noises under signal modulation 信号调制下光强关联时间随色噪声变化的规律
Application of correlation time delay estimation in broadband interferometer for lightning detection 相关时延估计在宽带干涉仪闪电观测中的应用频闪观测仪式检测仪表
It is shown that the OAG of the USC ( or the LSC) is a non-monotonic function of the strength and correlation time of the noise as well as the frequency of the USC ( or the LSC). 研究表明,上(或下)边频分量输出幅度增益是噪声的强度和相关时间以及上(或下)边频分量频率的非单调函数。
The effective eigenvalue λ eff and the intensity correlation time T C of the system are derived for different noise correlation time τ. 对于不同的噪声关联时间τ,求出了系统的有效本征值λeff和强度相关时间Tc。
The results show that light chemical crosslinks has, to some extent, an influence on the distribution of correlation time, but no distinct effect on the potential for segmental motion. 结果表明,轻度化学交联对相关时间分布有一定影响,对链段运动的势垒没有明显影响。
The relationship between the properties of double singularities, noise correlation time and dissipative parameter and their effects on entropy flux and entropy production are discussed. 分析(非平衡约束下)所引入的奇异性强度参数、噪声相关时间与耗散参数的相互作用以及对熵流、熵产生的显著影响。
In addition, the principles of both the correlation algorithm and generalized correlation time delay estimation based on adaptive technology were studied, and a comparison between them was made as well. 研究了相关算法和基于自适应技术的广义相关时延估计法两种数据处理算法的原理,并对两种方法的性能进行了比较。
The correlation time and S order parameter are two important parameters to characterize the moving and distribution of the spin labeled macromolecule. 相关时间和序参量是表征自旋探针标记大分子运动与分布的两个重要参数。
It is better than fixed correlation time acquisition method ( SC method). 它优于固定分段时间同步法(SC方法)。
The steady probability current increases with the strength of noise increasing, but decreases with the noise correlation time increasing. 在一维周期惯性锯齿势中,随着噪声强度的增加,定态几率流增大;随着噪声自关联时间参数的增加定态几率流反而减小。
The parameters describing the properties of the space-time cross-correlation of dynamic speckles are given under some special conditions, as spatial correlation length, correlation time, translation distance and correlation distance. 给出了几种特定情况下描述动态散斑时间-空间相关性质的参数&动态散斑的空间相关长度,动态散斑的相关时间,动态散斑的平移距离和相关距离。
We proposed a new time acquisition method, called adaptive subsection correlation time acquisition method of MC-CDMA system, the subsection correlation length is adapted according to the probable frequency offset. 提出了用于MC-CDMA系统的新型时间同步法一自适应分段相关时间同步法。它根据估计频率偏移自适应调整分段相关长度。
Effect of the noise correlation time on the stationary probability distribution is opposite to the noise strength. 得到噪声关联时间对电流定态几率分布函数曲线的影响与噪声强度的影响相反。
Saturation Effects on Intensity Correlation Time and Effective Eigenvalue of a Laser Field 饱和效应对激光场强度相关时间和有效本征值的影响
This paper not only shows the noise intensity have effect on the distribution of probability, but also shows the distribution is not sensitive to the noise correlation time τ. 揭示了噪声强度对定态几率分布的影响,指出定态几率分布对关联时间τ不敏感。
The self-diffusion coefficient and the orientation correlation time are calculated to investigate the detail behaviors of confined carbon dioxide. 研究二氧化碳的扩散系数和取向相关时间,探讨二氧化碳分子在孔中的详细行为。
The features of reversible and irreversible process under mechanical turbulence are described using time correlation function and correlation time of statistical thermodynamics. The relation between the irreversible process and loss in system is discussed. 应用统计热力学中的时间相关函数和关联时间阐述了力学扰动下体系的不可逆与可逆过程的特征以及不可逆过程与体系的损耗之间的关系。
It is shown that the coefficient of variation ( CV) and the SNR are non-monotonic functions of the correlation time of and intensity of the colored noise. 6. 研究表明,变差系数和信噪比是色噪声相关时间、色噪声强度的非单调函数。
Meanwhile, the maximum likelihood correlation time delay estimator technique was used to process the ultrasound echo signals to resolve the low resolution problem of the traditional time delay estimator algorithm in the low SNR environment. 同时,采用最大似然互相关时延估计技术对超声回波信号进行处理,解决了低信噪比环境下传统超声辐射力弹性成像分辨率较低的问题。
By a large number of experiments show that demand for the generalized correlation time delay estimation in theory and in practice totally feasible. 通过大量实验,证明广义相关求用于时间延迟估计在理论上和实践上完全可行的。
Notice that the correlation time of leak signal and noise is different, we propose using the linear prediction based on noise whitening criterion and the method of self adapting noise cancel to divide signal and noise. 该方法利用泄漏信号与干扰噪声在相关时间上的不同将二者分开,通过基于噪声白化准则(EWC)的线性预测(LP),和自适应噪声抵消(ANC)来实现。
The maximal SNR values decrease as the correlation time of the noise increases. 还发现SNR最大值随着色噪声相关时间的增大而减小。
The steady state probability current is calculated for different values of colored noise correlation time in different periods. 求出了不同周期中对应于不同的噪声关联时间的定态几率流。
Performance analysis shows that this algorithm can reduce correlation time greatly. 性能分析表明,该算法能显著缩短相关运算时间。
It is found that the signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR) of the system is affected not only by the coupling coefficient λ between two noise terms, but also by the noise correlation time T. 研究结果表明,系统的信噪比不仅受到两种噪声之间的祸合系数兄的影响,而且受到噪声相关时间公的影响,即噪声有色性的影响。